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Monday, June 19, 2006

Daddy's Girl

I have taken pride in the fact that I have always been and remain the poster child for "Daddy's Girl" My father is a wonderful man who has always put his children first. I'd like to tell you a little about him....

One night the decision was made... a family would no longer be a single unit. There would be two households sharing one child. That child, a wee lass just the age of 5, was me. My Mother knew that she would not be able to provide for me as she needed to at that time so she decided to leave me with my father (issues from that we can talk about later). My father, being the incredible man he was, without hesitation accepted and so it began. My father was now a single parent of a small daughter. Over the course of the next 15 years he sacrificed in every aspect of his life. He was passed up for promotions at work, he did not spend time with women, he dedicated his life to making sure I was ok.

My father had always wanted a family. One day he met a woman and they fell in love. I was 11 by this time. Together they had three beautiful children (all boys). Unfortunately, my step mother decided that my father needed to pick the life he had with her or his first born. At this point he made a decision... one that profoundly affected 6 people not just him. He chose me! Not that he didnt love his new family but he being bound by the bonds of fatherhood would not abandon me (like so many before him). I was 16 at the time...

Since then he has worked his fingers to the bone to provide for me and my brothers. Never complained and never married or even dated again.

My father sacrificed his desires to ensure that I had a foundation.

I have always been very close to him and even today he sacrifices himself for the good of his children and grand children.

I only wish that I could do the things I'd love to do for him. He has and always will remain an inspiration to me... I am a better woman, mother, friend because my father never left me. So to you Daddy I say with all of my heart


You are the best in the entire world!

(artwork created at Art.com)

Posted by The Catapillar :: 2:40 AM :: 4 Comments:

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