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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Funniest Word

Have you ever run across a word that is just plain fun to say? My son and I were joking around and I called him a Nincompoop. Of course I was just kidding! He asked me what it ment and I said Look it up! It was then that we found the mother of all fun words!


Its funny when you say it, its funny when you hear it... Its just plain funny.

Nincompoop means a silly, foolish or stupid person (from dictionary.com).

I dont remember right now why the definition of this word was not directly in the dictionary but based on the roots definition I will assume (not to make an ass out of you and me) that nincompoopery is the act doing something silly, foolish or stupid. Or its silly, foolish or stupid behavior.

I’ll use it in a sentence: “I’ll have none of your nincompoopery

What is your favorite funny word?

Posted by The Catapillar :: 2:33 AM :: 3 Comments:

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